Jessica Alba and Her Secret Tatoos

Jessica Alba’s is one famous personality whose celebrity beauty secrets are among the most sought after these days. This stunning actress has a figure to die for and matches it with loads of attitude. One of the famous and distinguishing features of Jessica Alba is her ability to stand out from the crowd. Take for example the number of tattoos that she has on different parts of her body. The tattoos have been chosen carefully and not of the run of the mill variety.

She has one Sanskrit symbol ‘padma’ tattooed on her wrist. This symbol actually denotes the lotus flower. In Hinduism, the lotus flower is considered the symbol of the highest spiritual development. The lotus flower according to the Hindu religion is the symbol of purity for although the plant has its roots in muddy lakes or ponds; it still manages to rise above it and flower. Jessica Alba is known to be particularly inclined towards most things spiritual and this would perhaps explain her fondness for the particular symbol tattooed on her wrist.

One of the biggest turn offs about being a celebrity lies in being chased by the tabloids all the time. They are forever on the lookout for juicy copies to sell their ware. Celebrity tattoos have in recent times become a constant source of news to the paparazzi. Almost every celebrity worth his or her name is not averse to flaunting the latest tattoos. Jessica Alba is among the most sought after names when it comes to celebrity tattoos.

Jessica Alba, apart from the tattoo on her wrist has one on the back of her neck. The tattoo which is actually a design of a daisy along with a ladybug is has caught the attention of people wherever she goes. In fact it is so popular that her neck has now become a place that is among the most photographed these days.

Jessica Alba also has a tattoo of a bow on her lower back which is another area of the body where most of the celebrities these days seem to have tattoos. Think of Angelina Jolie, another star who loves her tatoos. Another interesting thing about all of Jessica Alba’s tattoos is that although they are present on the most noticeable parts of the body, they would hardly get noticed in the first glance. In fact you will need to take a closer look at her in order to locate all the tattoos that she has. With a little bit of imagination, you too can try out the celebrity beauty secrets of Jessica Alba and make heads turn.